About Us

At PSERC, we are on a mission to make financial education and resources
available to every federal and state public employee so they can experience financial success.

With over 20 years of experience serving federal and state public employee clients, we know how difficult it can be to get quality appointments. That’s why we launched PSERC, so that we could make it easier for agents like you to grow the business of your dreams without wasting endless amounts of time on no-show appointments or over-saturated lists.

At PSERC, we approach booking appointments with a highly sophisticated data-driven automated system that assigns leads to our agents based on matching criteria. This means that clients that get booked on your calendar are actually looking for the services you provide.

Our growing database of over 10,000,000 federal and state public employees has been collected over time but is always updated through our PSERC Consumer facing site that allows us to collect real leads in real-time and book them out as soon as they submit a request for an appointment.

We are based in Orange County, California with agents representing every state within the United States. We are eager to grow our distribution across the U.S. and look forward to you joining our mission to make financial support available to all federal and state public employees.

Our Leads

Our database of over 10,000,000 leads is fully comprised of federal and state public employees employed across every single state within the continental United States.


During your first meeting with your quality lead, you provide a free pension review and help educate them about what they can expect in retirement. After that, you can recommend any of your services your lead needs to reach financial success.


We are mission driven connectors. At PSERC, we take pride in teaching fellow agents how to do things we have done ourselves. We get your foot in the door, train you on how to build trust and keep it there, and then keep the appointments coming.


We help you find your next client. Our collection of agents all represent different specialities but we are united in our shared values of integrity, ambition, initiative, education, autonomy, and growth.

For too long, federal and state public employees have been an overlooked population and don’t have enough access to the financial services and education they deserve.

Collectively, we can put an end to federal and state public employees being underserve by the financial service industry.

PSERC can support your business by providing you with the clients you most want to serve. We provide the leads, you provide the services. It’s that simple. We are the marketing machine you can’t afford on your own, but you can become a beneficiary of when you apply and are accepted to become a PSERC Partner.

Apply to Become a PSERC Partner Today
And never wait for your calendar to fill up with quality appointments again.

Grow your business with quality clients